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How car brakes work ? From Basics to Engineering Hydraulics, Explained

Cars will be travelling at an average speed of 40 Km/Hr probably. Pardon if you Dad's a great Rider. Have you ever thought how can just a Push of the brake stop this Whole machine with tons of weight. There is always a question need to be answered, how car brakes work ?

From my childhood itself i was amazed by the working of big machines. I always needed to find new and cool technological things and tried to Understand them literally and practically. I would have watched the Discovery channel and the discovery Turbo for hours daily, and my Sibling always started screwing up with me. May be you are somewhat similar with my gestures. I can promise you that this will be the final document that you will be going through to understand how car brakes work.

How car brakes work

Nowadays majority of the vehicles are using Hydraulically driven Disc brakes system, we can call it the simplest of the car braking mechanisms. This one is purely based on the Pascals law. In this Mechanism there will be three fluid filled cylinders. Of which one is connected with the brake pedal and having comparably larger volume.

Leverage and Hydraulics - How disc brakes work

A leverage arm is used to shift the force from the legs to the first cylinder. See the cylinder named as "A" in the figure. The main cylinder is then connected to two other cylinders with somewhat lesser volume. According to the Hydraulic principles the amount of pressure that the Fluid exerts on the pistons in the small cylinder will be enormous. This enormous force helps the easy contraction of the bushes attached to the brake discs on the wheels of the cars. And thus a constant retarding force and sometimes, torque is experienced to the wheels. As a results the momentum comes down with immediate effect and hence we have our baby at rest.

Anti-Lock Braking Systems

The new Engineering researches has got us something to be proud of let us investigate what exactly it is.  A car's wheels generate the maximum retardation or deceleration when the braking force is just enough for the wheels to stop rolling, and it must never translate. We the car people call this a Wheel lock down.

Anti-lock braking systems aka (ABS) are Electronically controlled used Integrated Circuits and Micro Chips. ABS has proven  great advances in vehicle stability and reduced braking distances in most real-world scenarios,  If the brakes are  after the lock down actually the braking distance is increasing and the wheels start to skid. This really gets the car into real trouble mostly in rain, snow or when we are in banking curves. ABS has proven Electronic Control Units commonly called ECU which will apply the brake flawlessly  just the point of lock down and effortlessly prevents Accidents due to Skidding.

We hope that you will now never go for more articles on how car brakes work. This is what ordinary people loves to now. Keep visiting and share your comments
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