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Top 5 Hardcore Tattooed Sexy girls of January

I'm sharing my not so bad find of NON Explicit tattoos that pinched into my heart lately this month.
GRAB 65,000 Tattoo Designs on Online Tattoo Gallery Database
Tattooing is really a art for many. there are Companies which spend about 100's of $$ in this field.This made me research and find a good List of the best tattooed girls out there in the US UK and countries . The image right are reserved to thew actual Photographer Model and their authorities.

So lets start the List

5. Fifth place goes to the one with red hair

body taoos
Amazing creativity

4.The one with Less contrast still sexy and Designed to Perfection

tatooing art
Seems wonderful and Minimal when compared

3.The creative mixture of What we call the Dragon Art

tatooing art
Perfect Design for her body

2. The Passion of tatooers will be never Questioned as there are girls like this

taoed girl with structure
See the quality of design

1. For the Explicit Body Structure and Design Enthusiasm                         

tatooed girls sexy
This Sexy Girl Deserves First place on this list.
Stay tuned for more Lists
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