How to install Mac OSX on any PC (DO it simple )
Although installing Machintosh operating systems such as Snow leopard ,OSX Lion on a odinary PC is termed as the most dificult tasks in the world. yeah it is bit difficult as this process is never officially supported by anyone (As it is Piracy and not allowed by Apple). But if we buy a OSX [The machintosh operating system is commonly called OSX] installation DVD we can do anything with that thats our Right.
So lets start This.,
Things we need
It is not at all Easy to install OSX in first try you may fail or with luck you can pass out patience is always the key so be..
Asus motherboards and Gigabytes are recommended as they get good support from the OSX forums.
Lion or Snow leopard will Do,Snow leopard is recommended.
The Hardisk must be Sata and completly formatted , must be a minimum of 80 Gb
Download i Boot and write the image into a CD
SET defaults in your bios setting and then change boot source to CDrom
So lets start This.,
Things we need
It is not at all Easy to install OSX in first try you may fail or with luck you can pass out patience is always the key so be..
A PC with Intel processor
Asus motherboards and Gigabytes are recommended as they get good support from the OSX forums.
OSX retail DVD
Lion or Snow leopard will Do,Snow leopard is recommended.
Fully Formated Hardisk
The Hardisk must be Sata and completly formatted , must be a minimum of 80 Gb
Download i Boot and write the image into a CD
SET defaults in your bios setting and then change boot source to CDrom
Insert the CD in your drive
Reboot your pc
when the iboot home screen appears
remove the cd from the drive
Inser your OSX installation DVD
System will boot on ressing enter
As iboot contains all the necesarry files for booting Mac OSX DVD, Only for the mother boards i mentioned.
If not try -x -f and other commands on booting the OSX DVD
If you have done all the things properly you may get into the MAC installation screen
The installation is easy .....just need a bit of knowledge on partitioning.
When the installation is complete.Download Multibeast
open it in OSX
Put your broadband connection ON
Let it do the rest
IT will automatically update the drivers.
Finally we have finished installing OSX.