Introduction to Programming languages -TheBIGHam
This is a gust post By The BIG Ham Catch him at
One of THE most popular programming languages in the world. Itis an OOP language.Many of the applications we use everyday are written in C++.
C# is a newer and possibly easier to use form of C++.Let’s say it’s more of a framework since i’m not very familiar with it.Noteworthy features- Very powerful and capable if you know what you’re doing.
Another popular programming language. Java brings with it platform independancy and an easy development experience. It finds uses in software for mobile devices and applets embedded in webpages. Web-applications are also written in Java.When you run JAVA on your computer, You’re actually running it on a virtual machine. This means not much hardware access but you have a huge library of classes to help you develop good applications easily.Although Java applets are run client-side, JSP pages and java servlets are run on servers. Platform independency The supremely popular indie game ‘Minecraft’ is written in Java.
PHP/Perl/Python/Ruby (On Rails)/jsp
These are usually used as Server-Side Scripting languages. They’re rapid development frameworks meaning you can write a page that does something in a few hours.LOTS of things are written in PHP including Digitunes PHPBB forums(not Public yet) AND lots of facebook. Need i say more? Dropbox is written in python as well as a few other sitesTwitter is written in Ruby On Rails as well as theseAs for PERL, It has good websites and lots of people love it. I’ve just never run into a list. Help me out on this one?
You want to speak to the computer in it’s language?Well this is the closest a normal brain can handle. Below this,You’re talking binary.Assembly isn’t used too much to write programs. Writing entire programs in it would be nuts. Instead, It’s used inside other programming languages for the parts where efficiency MUST be maximized. Critical components really
Other languages:
HTML, Javascript, CSS
These are what web-pages are made of. They all work in your browser.They aren’t really ‘programming’ languages. HTML is a mark-up language, CSS is for styling and JS is… yeah, It’ll qualify as a programming language.Pretty much every modern webpage on the internet will have a bit of these in it.
Structured query language. It’s a structured language dedicated to doing queries on a database. There are a lot of DBMSes today and their syntax vary slightly. MySQL, the supremely popular DBMS developed by Oracle, is what we, facebook and majority ofother websites run on. It’s easy to use but also very important. If your databases aren’t thought through and your queries are wasteful, It’ll affect your website badly.
Binary / Hex
The people who use this are gods. They’re editing programs at the binary code level. It’s mindblowing to think of how to do it but i’ll give you a tiny idea of it a bit later.It’s used to patch games ( cracks anyone? ) and even to overwrite security checks in system softwares ( jailbreaking ).
To learn HTML / CSS / JS / PHP / SQL ( all that you need to writea website ), You can visit We’ll be doing tutorials here and discussions on our forums.Make sure you tune in. It’ll be fun.And here’s stackoverflow with a best usages of programming languages">small discussion on this..