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Google updates their Rich snippets/Structured data testing tool : Important tips to Get your Picture on Search Results

Rich snippets testing tool gets updated.

Google has updated their popular "Webmaster tools" tool Rich snippets and now known as the Structured data testing tool.This tool can be used to check how google sees a web page.This tool converts the extracted rich snippet data from the page and shows them in an Graphically understandable way for webmasters.
The updated rich snippets testing includes the examples for Review,Author,Event snippets.This functionality is Extremely useful as we can compare our results with the example pages for fluid snippets on search results.The new interface is user friendly.Google custom search can also be visualised after the update.

A small tip for people trying to show snippets "You are not getting your author bio in the search results,even if Rich snippets shows all ok ."

In Order to render the image on the Google search results you need to add a Tag of your own on your Google Profile + Picture like this. This is the thing that all Guides Split out but sadly the second-most important Thing of the whole process.
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